Locations Window - Tabs

Locations - Details

The information displayed in the Details tab is defined via OH&S | Management or Validation Tables within the OH&S Framework. It specifies where the location is positioned within the location tree structure. It also shows the Active date, which is the date this site became operational.

Locations - Policies & Procedures

This lists all the OH&S policies and procedures which are in place at the selected location.

This is populated by the list of documents that have been added in via Management | Policies & Procedures.

Locations - Personnel

This lists all the staff based at the selected location. It is populated via entries added in Management | Personnel.

The Search option will allow you to search for Personnel. If you want to search for Personnel across all locations, you will need to view the topmost level of the Location tree structure and have the Show All option active (See Show All or Show One).

Double click on a person’s name to display their information in the Personnel window.

Locations - Committees

This shows all the Personnel associated with the committee at the current location. It is populated via entries added in Management | Committees.

The Search option operates the same here as it does in Personnel.

Double click on a person’s name to display their Committee-related information in the Committees window.

Audits & Meetings

This lists any audits or meetings which are associated with the current location. This is populated via entries added in OH&S | Audits & Meetings.

Double click an entry to display the Audits & Meetings window.


This tab displays a range of statistical information in categories. See Locations - Statistics for complete information.


This tab displays a calendar of OH&S events, based on whichever Location you are viewing, and the Show All or Show One option you have currently selected. See Locations – Calendar for complete information.

Plant & Equipment

This tab displays all plant and equipment details at the current location, including Description, Serial Number and Asset Number. This information is added or edited via OH&S | Plant & Equipment.

If you double click an entry, this will display the Plant & Equipment window.


A number of these tabs provide the facility to search for specific criteria. For example, you may want to search the Policies & Procedures tab for documents relating to Queensland only.

  1. Open the relevant tab.
  2. In the Search For box, type some or all of the criteria text.
  3. Click the Search button.

The results for the search criteria will be displayed within this tab.


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